There are Fields in Material master to Store the Units of Measure
Below are the Fields and Transformation being followed from Oracle to SAP.
SAP Field Name |
SAP Table |
Transformation |
Oracle Field Name |
Oracle Table |
MEINS (Base Unit of Measure) |
copy |
MEINH (Alternate Unit of Measure ) |
copy |
UMREZ (Numerator for Conversion) |
UMREN(Denominator for conversion) |
Here UMREZ and UMREN are the fields used as factors to Convert the Alternate Unit of Measure(MEINH) to the Base Unit of Measure(MEINS)
As Oracle maintains Conversion factor in a single field Which can be decimal number(Ex: 2.1564785444)
But SAP maintains Conversion factors in two fields as mentioned above (UMREZ & UMREN), and these 2 fields only accepts the Integer/Whole number as per SAP configuration.
DXC Oracle team is proposing to use the following Standard function of Oracle to get the Conversion Factors.
As we can see in the above figure they are rounding off the output to the nearest integer to make it compatible to SAP.
But the Problem with the above approach is
- Whenever the function returns the value less than 0.5 then as per the above script the nearest integer would be 0, Which cannot be denominator.(Please see first record in the below picture Column H is the denominator)
- Please refer 2nd Row from below picture, as we are rounding off 0.5 to 1 as denominator , In case large quantity of Purchases at transactional level the impact will be huge.
So, We are looking for an Alternate way to get the accurate Conversion Factors compatible to SAP from Oracle Source.