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How do I set a field to be read-only in an Excel template in Construct?



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  • Best answer
    DSP Expert

    VGazquez: Hi Sergio/Didac, Unfortunately, as far as I know, this action is not possible (I hope the Development team adds it in the next release).

    According to the documentation, only fields with Control Status = Enable are downloaded.

    The only workaround I found is to set this in your Hor view as Disable and Key, and Enable in your Excel. In this way, you download the field, and even if you change it, you get an error when the Excel file is uploaded (in case you do not allow Add data) or it will create a new entry (in case you allow Add data). It is not ideal, but it works.

    Another way is to create an intermediate table as a copy of the main one and use it with the Excel integration. Once you upload it, you will need to move the corresponding data (only columns that you want) to the main table.

    Another way, which allows you to change data (I do not recommend it), is to enable the field, change the background color, and tell the client that particular color are only read data, but there is nothing that stop you to change it. An additional step could be create a SP that overwrites with the original value.

    The password for unprotecting Excel files produced by Excel Integration can be requested in a ticket at



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