Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Collections Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports DBMotoPublic Imports DBMotoScript Imports DBRS.GlobalScript Namespace DBRS Public Class SequenceName Public owner As String Public name As String Public incrementBy As Integer Public lastNumber As Integer End Class Public Class ReplicationScript : Inherits IReplicationScript Dim sequenceArrayList As New ArrayList() Public Overrides Sub Record_onBeforeMapping(recSource As IRecord, ByRef AbortRecord As Boolean) ' Do this so that no record is written to the target dummy table AbortRecord = True End Sub Public Overrides Sub Refresh_onPrepareRefresh(ByRef CancelRefresh As Boolean, ByRef Filter As String) ' Here, we are identifying and initializing the sequences we want to replicate AddLog("debug> Refresh_onPrepareRefresh()", 0) sequenceArrayList.Clear() ' IMPORTANT: modify this condition to select the sequences you want to replicate Dim selectCondition = "SEQUENCE_OWNER = 'SCOTT' AND SEQUENCE_NAME LIKE 'SEQ%'" Dim conn as IDbConnection = Nothing Dim cmd as IDbCommand = Nothing Dim reader as IDataReader = Nothing Dim opened As Boolean = False Try conn = InternalSourceConnection If conn.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then 'AddLog("debug> open source connection because it hasn't been", 0) conn.Open opened = True End If cmd = conn.CreateCommand cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SEQUENCE_OWNER, SEQUENCE_NAME, INCREMENT_BY, LAST_NUMBER FROM ALL_SEQUENCES WHERE " & selectCondition & " ORDER BY 1,2" AddLog("debug> cmd.CommandText = " & cmd.CommandText, 0) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader While reader.Read Dim seq = new SequenceName seq.owner = reader.GetString(0) = reader.GetString(1) seq.incrementBy = reader.GetDecimal(2) seq.lastNumber = reader.GetDecimal(3) sequenceArrayList.add(seq) AddLog("debug> " & seq.owner & "." & & " incr:" & seq.incrementBy.ToString & " lastnum: " & seq.lastNumber , 0) End While If sequenceArrayList.Count = 0 Then AddLog("Warning, no sequences will be replicated.",0) AddLog("This statement returns no rows: [" + cmd.CommandText + "]",0) End If Catch ex As Exception AddLog("Exception in Internal Target Connection: " & ex.ToString,0) Finally If (not reader is Nothing) Then reader.Close End If If (not cmd is Nothing) Then cmd.Dispose End If If opened = True Then conn.Close End If End Try AddLog("debug> sequenceArrayList.Count = " & sequenceArrayList.Count.ToString, 0) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Refresh_onAfterRefresh() AddLog("debug> Refresh_onAfterRefresh()...", 0) Dim conn as IDbConnection = InternalTargetConnection Dim cmd as IDbCommand = conn.CreateCommand Dim cmd2 as IDbCommand = conn.CreateCommand Dim reader as IDataReader = Nothing Try Dim seq As SequenceName For Each seq In sequenceArrayList cmd.CommandText = "select LAST_NUMBER from ALL_SEQUENCES where SEQUENCE_OWNER='" & seq.owner & "' AND SEQUENCE_NAME='" & & "'" AddLog("debug> lastNumber = " & seq.lastNumber.ToString & ", target sql = " & cmd.CommandText, 0) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader Dim nextval As Integer = -1 If reader.Read Then nextval = reader.GetDecimal(0) AddLog("debug> target nextval = " & nextval.ToString, 0) reader.Close While (seq.incrementBy > 0 AND seq.lastNumber > nextval) OR (seq.incrementBy < 0 AND seq.lastNumber < nextval) AddLog("debug> 1) lastNumber " & seq.lastNumber.ToString & " > nextval " & nextval.ToString, 0) cmd2.CommandText = "select " & seq.owner & "." & & ".NEXTVAL from ALL_OBJECTS where ROWNUM <= ABS(" & ((seq.lastNumber-nextval)/seq.incrementBy).ToString & ")" AddLog("debug> cmd2.CommandText = " & cmd2.CommandText, 0) reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader While reader.Read 'AddLog("debug> 2) lastNumber " & seq.lastNumber.ToString & " > nextval " & nextval.ToString, 0) nextval = reader.GetDecimal(0)+seq.incrementBy End While reader.Close End While End If Next Catch ex As Exception AddLog("Exception in Internal Target Connection: " & ex.ToString,0) Finally if (not reader is Nothing) Then reader.Close End If if (not cmd is Nothing) Then cmd.Dispose End If End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace