INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC01', N'Postal Code Change', N'The postal code was changed or added.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC02', N'Administrative Area Change', N'The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC03', N'Locality Change', N'The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC09', N'Dependent Locality Change', N'The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC10', N'Thoroughfare Name Change', N'The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC11', N'Thoroughfare Type Change', N'The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from "St" to "Rd."', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC12', N'Thoroughfare Directional Change', N'The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from "N" to "NW."', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC13', N'Sub Premise Type Change', N'The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.”', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC14', N'Sub Premise Number Change', N'The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC15', N'Double Dependent Locality Change', N'The double dependent locality was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC16', N'SubAdministrative Area Change', N'The subadministrative area was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC17', N'SubNational Area Change', N'The subnational area was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC18', N'PO Box Change', N'The PO Box was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC19', N'Premise Type Change', N'The premise type was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AC22', N'Organization Change', N'The organization was added or changed.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE01', N'Postal Code Error/General Error', N'The address could not be verified at least up to the postal code level.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE02', N'Unknown Street', N'Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE03', N'Component Mismatch Error', N'The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE05', N'Multiple Match', N'The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE07', N'Missing Minimum Address', N'Minimum requirements for the address to be verified is not met. A country input is required for global products. For US/CA, a postal code or city/state are required. Requirements for other countries may be different.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE08', N'Sub Premise Number Invalid', N'An address element after the house number, in most cases the sub-premise, was not valid.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE09', N'Sub Premise Number Missing', N'An address element after the house number, in most cases the sub-premise, was missing.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE10', N'Premise Number Invalid', N'The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE11', N'Premise Number Missing', N'The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE12', N'Box Number Invalid', N'The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE13', N'Box Number Missing', N'The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AE14', N'PMB Number Missing', N'US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AS09', N'Foreign Address', N'The address is in a non-supported country.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV11', N'Administrative Area Partial', N'The address has been partially verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV12', N'Locality Partial', N'The address has been partially verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV13', N'Thoroughfare Partial', N'The address has been partially verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV14', N'Premise Partial', N'The address has been partially verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Warning') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV21', N'Administrative Area Full', N'The address has been verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV22', N'Locality Full', N'The address has been verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV23', N'Thoroughfare Full', N'The address has been verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV24', N'Premises Full', N'The address has been verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'AV25', N'SubPremises Full', N'The address has been verified to the SubPremise (Suite) or PO Box Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GE01', N'Invalid Postal Code', N'The submitted postal code is not in a valid format. Not to be confused with the GE01 Transmission result code.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GE02', N'Postal Code Coordinates Not Found in Database', N'The submitted postal code coordinates were not found in the Geocode database. Not to be confused with the GE02 Transmission result code.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GE03', N'Demo Mode', N'Geocoder is in Demo mode and a zip code outside the Demo range was detected.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GE04', N'Data Files Expired', N'Geocoder data files are expired. Please update with the latest data files.', N'Error') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS01', N'Geocoded to Street Level', N'The record was coded to the street level (Zip+4 for US, full postal code for CA).', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS02', N'Geocoded to the Neighborhood Level', N'The record was geocoded down to neighborhood level (Zip+2 for US).', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS03', N'Geocoded to Community Level', N'The record was coded to the community level (ZIP centroid for US, 3-digit postal code for CA).', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS04', N'Geocoded to State Level', N'The record was geocoded to the state (administrative area) level.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS05', N'Geocoded to Rooftop Level', N'The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level, meaning the point is within the property boundaries, usually the center.', N'Valid') GO INSERT [dbo].[ztResponseCode] ([ResponseCode], [ShortDescription], [LongDescription], [ResponseType]) VALUES (N'GS06', N'Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level', N'The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries.', N'Valid') GO